Dream big. Achieve the impossible.![]() |
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
2:48 PM
Homeworks/Reminders: 1. Chinese: 快捷复习 5 & 6 (Due: Friday, 3/5.) 2. Biology: Daniel & Hidayu; stay back in the classroom on Friday (3/5) for the Biology test. 3. Art Exam: You are not supposed to attempt the questions on the paper that you were given. You are supposed to think about your design and bring the necessary materials on the day of the examination. MYE chapters: 1. Biology: - All that had been taught. - Note & Textbook. - Focus on cells, diffusion & osmosis (pg 136-142). 2. Chemistry: - All that had been taught. - Focus on methods of seperation, elements, compounds and mixtures etc. Thats all. :D Enjoy your holiday tomorrow(: I hope Ashraf gets better soon. ): -Bernice.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
2:46 PM
Homeworks/Reminders: 1. Maths: Chapter 6 Quiz. Self-mark tomorrow. 2. Chinese: 快捷复习 3 & 4. (Due: tomorrow.) * Do not leave any blanks as instructed. 3. Chinese: Bring 快捷复习 1 tomorrow. **4. Literature: File. (Any colour.) - Cover page (Decorate it.) - Contents page. With the following details. You are to write the number, title of the assignment and the date of it. - 1. Mask Research Assignment. - 2. Journal number 1: 'What is a hero?' - 3. Journal number 2: 'Understanding/adapting to the script.' - 4. Journal number 3: 'Mask-making.' - 5. Journal number 4: 'Costumes & props.' - 6. Journal number 5: 'Post performance reflection' - 7. Miscellaneous(optional): (Scripts, notes) You are to hand this in to Jewel tomorrow latest by 0800h. Those who didnt, will be counted as late. Please do make an effort to write 4-6 lines for the journal. Okay, Im done. :D -Bernice.
Monday, April 28, 2008
2:31 PM
Okay, there are too many tags. So Im not going to reply them, unless needed. Everyone has been waiting for this. Yes, I know. Art Exam; Bring:- - Art file (Drawing pencils, drawing block, colour pencils, long ruler) - Painting stuff (Brushes, poster paints, cup, stack of newspapers, rag, palette) * Bring extra newspapers to wrap your brushes as you will not be allowed to wash your brushes. * You will only be allowed to pour away your dirty water. * You will be given 3 questions and you are to attempt one of it only. * You are required to explain your art (rationale). Approximately 50 words will be enough. To be written at the back of the paper. * Remember to write your name, register number, class, date and the title at the back of the paper clearly. Topics Taught: - Lines, form, shapes, shading - Colour wheel - Colours in emotions - Colour mixing - Tint (Add white) - Shade (Add black) - Colour Triangle - Literature/Art masks - Pop-Art (Warhol style) Warhol likes to duplicate popular objects using three colours. *Tip: Use clashing colours to make your art look contrasting. There are no homeworks/reminders today. So thats all. :D -Bernice.
Friday, April 25, 2008
2:46 PM
----- Homeworks/Reminders: 1. English: Those who failed the composition, letter, comprehension or the test, - Composition and letter; Hand in the completed work next week. - Comprehension; You should have gotten the comprehension worksheet to do by now. - Test; Stay back in school to do the test next week. 2. Art: Pop Art. You are to finish the whole thing. (Trace, shade and colour) MYE Chapters & what to revise on: 1. Maths: Chapter 1.1 - 7.3 2. Home Economics: Chapter 1-6, 7 (Textbook pg 71-74, 79-83), 8 (Textbook pg 88-89) and 9 (Textbook pg 98-100) 3. Design & Technology: Textbook pg 49-54, 60-67, 93, 152-155, 157-164 and exercises from the D&T file. Thats all. :D Have a nice weekend! :D * Do leave your link/msn so that I can link/add you. :D - Bernice♥.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
5:34 PM
Helloooo. :D Bernice here, as usual. Okay, so it turns out to be that Im the one who's supposed to post the homework/reminders. So, here it is; 1. NE: Bring old newspapers tomorrow, 25/4. 2. English: Bring all English homeworks tomorrow, 25/4. 3. Assembly: Bring school tie tomorrow, 25/4. 4. Chinese students: Please be reminded that there will be Chinese Oral Examination tomorrow, 25/4, after school. You will be divided into two groups, Group 5 & Group 6. For those who hasnt seen the notice pasted on the noticeboard, here are your groups. Group 5: Xinyi, Germaine, Gloria, Xinhong, Jojo, Jenice, Jewel, Jolene, Jingyee, Shaoqi, Xinying, Nadhirah, Nicole, Bernice, Debra, Vanessa, Sharonna, Jingjie, Alvin & Yiheng. Group 6: Dint, Leonchua, Jeremy, Joseph, Leonlau, Yongsheng, Rover, Junpeng & Oscar. * Group 5; You are to assemble at 2/2 classroom at 1.10pm sharp. * Group 6; You are to assemble at 1/8 classroom at 1.10pm sharp. 5. Art: Bring the following items tomorrow. - Art File - Colour Pencils - 2 x mindmaps - 2 x masks - 2 x proposals - Overdue Assignments 6. Maths: Complete the challenging questions (13-22) of the basic geometry worksheet. 7. Maths: Worksheet (6 papers) 8. All groups who handed in your masks, please send one representative from your Literature/Art mask-building group to verify your masks on 25 May, 12.45pm at Art Room 1. Okay, thats all. Hope it helps:D Oh, and good luck for your Chinese Oral! :D
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
6:05 PM
Hello 1/7 peeps! :D Bernice here. If you would like to know the class blog acc to post, please do ask me(: For all I know, only language reps can know? Hahah, I'll confirm about that. Oh, do add me in msn:D (Guzh3ngR0x@hotmail.com) And if you want access to my blog, just leave me an offline message or tag at this blog to tell me yupp? Haha. Okay, I suppose homeworks will be posted here. So yeah, you can come back here to check up the homework if you forgot to copy it down or wasnt paying attention in class. :p Okay, I guess thats all for now. See you guys in school! :D |